Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


Participants : Christophe Demarey, Damien Fournier, Philippe Merle, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

OW2, previously ObjectWeb, is an international consortium to promote high quality open source middleware (see at http://www.ow2.org ). The vision of OW2 is that of a set of components which can be assembled to offer high-quality middleware.

We are members of this consortium since a long time ago. Philippe Merle is the leader of both Fractal and FraSCAti projects, which are hosted by this consortium. Philippe Merle and Lionel Seinturier are members of the Technology Council of OW2.

University of Los Andes (Bogota)

Participants : Laurence Duchien, Gabriel Tamura.

The Ph.D. Student Gabriel Tamura is co-supervised by Rubby Casallas, University of Los Andes, and Laurence Duchien from University of Lille 1. The objective is to study a component-based architecture reconfiguration model and to address QoS (quality-of-service) contract preservation. The proposal is based on a formal theory to perform, in a safe way, the process of self-adaptation in response to quality-of-service (QoS) contracts violation. The results have been published in [36] , [44] . The student has been in the ADAM project-team during six months this year. Laurence Duchien has visited the University of Los Andes in October 2009 and Rubby Casallas has visited the ADAM team in June 2010 and 2011.